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Real Circularity

Read the 'Real Circularity' blurb below:

'We are arguably less sustainable now than we were 3 decades ago, many have been talking about it for decades, a few have created some headway, too many times companies window dress, give lip service or worse deliberately attempt to leverage without doing work of depth and really facing the economic barriers.

Many in Circularity focus on the product, whilst that is important it is not the optimal way to create 'sustainable circularity', what we call Real Circularity.

One can be Circular in product and still be un-sustainable at the same time if our thinking and application is still linear.

With Real Circularity we look at the entire picture and ecosystem of a business working in it and beyond its borders.

Ken Alston worked on the original Cradle to Cradle work and mixes his 3 decades of experience with regenerative practitioner in the fashion niche Rachel Sheila Kan to create Real Circularity'

Interested in purchasing 'Real Circularity'?

Learn more about the projects Rachel is working on.

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